Like most of my constituents I am very glad a week of leadership instability is now at an end.
As a Liberal colleague of Scott Morrison in NSW I know him well, as far back as his appearance at my Farrer pre-selection in 2001.
I have worked closely with our new PM in various roles. He has a good understanding of the needs of rural Australia, particularly in difficult times.
An example from the last drought was his establishment of an ‘exchange’ for country children so they could take time out for a beach holiday.
He understands small business, he gets the needs of families, and I believe he will be receptive to my ideas for new drought relief measures and ensuring water for our farmers.
For me, the next two weeks is about getting out in the electorate, including a water crisis rally in Deniliquin on Monday after the weekend’s Wentworth Show.
I believe we can win the next election and am sure every single member of my party and the Coalition will get behind the new leadership team, working together for the benefit of our country.