The latest edition of my electorate newsletter is out now and should be delivered to your home address in the next few days. Can’t wait? An e-version of the ‘Farrer Flier’ is now available for download here.

This edition outlines how the latest Federal Budget affects you and our part of southern NSW; a budget unlike any other in our lifetime, due to the health uncertainties around COVID-19 requiring a dramatic shift in the nation’s economic path forward.

From support for those who provide work, to people seeking employment, tax cuts for wage earners, backing for farmers on export assistance, disaster relief, water security or regional visas, there is much in this budget for every corner of the Farrer electorate.

Of course the ‘Flier’ is only a snapshot of the many issues and government initiatives which affect our region. For more regular updates you can subscribe to my e-news which is delivered straight to your email inbox.