2025 election: Ley commits to funding upgrade for Albury’s St Patrick’s Tennis Club
Federal MP Sussan Ley today promised $180,000 towards a much-needed upgrade at Albury’s historic St Patrick’s Tennis Club, if a Dutton Coalition Government is elected this year. The works, planned for a number of years but not fully funded, would include new LED...

Speech – Australia Day, Albury NSW
On this day, 237 years ago, a group of British settlers arrived at Sydney Cove and began a new chapter of human history right here in this Great Southern Land at the edge of the world. That endeavour was not assured success. But through hard work, a commitment to...

2025 election: Tax deduction to boost small business
A Dutton Coalition Government will cut red tape for small businesses by introducing a capped tax deduction of $20,000 for business-related meal and entertainment expenses. Small businesses with a turnover of up to $10 million will be eligible and alcohol will be...

Helping Farrer communities become ‘stronger’
Nominations are now open to not-for-profit organisations across Farrer to apply for funding under the Commonwealth Government’s Stronger Communities Programme. Cash grants of between $2,500 to $20,000 is available to spend on new equipment or upgrades, installing...

Opinion: We need ‘skills’ back in schools
We need to talk about skills. We are failing our kids and we need to talk about it. And it’s a conversation we need to have now before our kids go back to school. 2024 wrapped with another cohort graduating Year 12. They’ve earned a break and are worthy of our...

Here’s to a ‘country’ Christmas
An interesting piece of research came out this month showing two in five capital city residents would contemplate a move to the country. Of course, those of us already here can understand why. Cleaner air, neighbourly communities, a better life/work balance with...

87km Pooncarie Road sealing completed!
The NSW Far West has access to a safer, smoother Pooncarie Road following completion of a $48.8m sealing project. The Australian Government invested $31.7m and the NSW Government contributed $17.1m to the project, delivered by Wentworth Shire Council and Central...

Could your volunteer group use an extra $5,000?
Not-for-profit organisations are encouraged to apply for the latest Volunteer Grants funding, with a focus on those supporting the physical or social wellbeing of children under 18yo. The first stage of applications is via an Expression of Interest (EOI) form. A $10m...

The truth about ‘Free TAFE’
We need to talk about skills. Skills shortages are making it more expensive to build a home. We need more homes and more tradies because Labor let in one million migrants without a plan to house them. Anthony Albanese’s ‘solution’ is called ‘Free TAFE’. You have to...

Parliament – Farrer rejects racism stunts
Ms LEY (Farrer—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) I rise with a message from my electorate of Farrer: those who try to divide us will only make us stronger. On 12 October, up to 50 Neo-Nazis dressed in black with faces covered converged at Corowa along the New South...