A project identified by the Walla Walla community nearly two decades ago was finally realised today, as the town celebrated the official opening of its new Early Childhood Hub.
The $900k centre was funded jointly by all three levels of government, plus a $10,000 contribution by the local community.
Greater Hume Council Mayor Heather Wilton said the facility was a great outcome for the community, with access to a 5 days a week childcare providing a great opportunity for families and parents throughout the local area.
“There’s been a sharp increase in the number of enrolments and families using the service, growing to 15 families and 23 children enrolled requiring four permanent staff.”
Farrer MP Sussan Ley said access to quality health and education services in our smaller country communities is vital.
“And that’s just one of the reasons the Walla Walla community fought so hard to help keep local childcare services 12 months ago.”
“In addition to developing a purpose built facility this investment also produces long-term economic benefits for our region with young parents able to commit to greater levels of employment in the area.”
The Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund aims to create jobs, drive economic growth, and build stronger regional communities into the future. For enrolment information with Greater Hume Children Services link here.