Member for Farrer Sussan Ley today confirmed a two-day visit to Farrer by the Chair of the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), the Hon Neil Andrew.
According to Ms Ley, “I made a commitment to invite Neil to our region as soon as possible and I’m delighted we can finally achieve this during an intensive visit over Fri 11th and Sat 12th September”.
“Neil has committed to meet as many of my local constituents affected by the Basin Plan as possible, so while he’s here I intend to keep him pretty busy.”
“I am well aware irrigators and land holders still have concerns regarding the MDBA’s modelling of environmental flows in conjunction with the proposed constraints management strategy.”
“It’s vital for the Authority to hear views directly from people on the ground and I am sure there are plenty who will want to talk to us as we make our way through the Southern Riverina.
“I will be asking the MDBA Chair and his board to broaden their consultation with Basin stakeholders and this is something I certainly will be advocating during our tour in September.”
“Open dialogue across the Basin, combined with the latest Senate assessment of the Plan and the passing of the 1500gl buyback cap legislation, will ensure we get this right, allowing our communities to plan with confidence alongside a healthy and productive river system”, Ms Ley concluded.
05 August 2015 – $263.5 million boost for on-farm irrigation in NSW.