Opposition Leader Bill Shorten caims Labor has “a plan to properly fund our hospital system”.
However, given Mr Shorten repeatedly refuses to commit to find the money to pay for the Rudd-Gillard Government’s unfunded $57 billion hospitals promise, we can only assume this is what he means:
“The Courier-Mail has been exclusively told that Bill Shorten’s team had been meeting Labor Treasurers to determine what health funding “they can live with”, signalling the Opposition will not meet a $57 billion shortfall.” – Courier Mail – Monday April 4 2016
This is unsurprising, given Labor’s only real policy announcement to date recommends widespread cuts to all areas of the health budget:
“the opposition would be kidding itself if it didn’t recognise there were challenges in the budget and that savings needed to be found”… “There is no area that is going to be exempt”… “We have to look across the board.” – Catherine King – 22 February 2015 – Sky News Agenda
If Labor promises $1 less than the $57 billion they promised Australians for hospitals, then they confirm what we’ve known all along – it’s unfunded, unaffordable and their scare campaign is a sham.