Transports and heavy vehicles coming into Griffith have a much smoother journey in front of them with the official opening of the city’s $33m Southern Industrial Link (GSIL).
Federal MP for Farrer Sussan Ley noted the staged project, started in 2017, provides an alternate route around Griffith’s CBD linking both Kidman Way and Irrigation Way.
“Funded by all three levels of government, the link provides a southern bypass around the retail and hospitality precinct, providing more efficient and safer journeys for transports, trucks and other road users.
“The project was a mammoth logistical exercise for planning and construction teams, and I want to add my congratulations to Griffith City Council for the vision in getting this done.”
Griffith Mayor Cr Doug Curran said the GSIL has been a massive undertaking that Council is proud to have achieved over the past seven years.
“With so much activity coming out of the Griffith region, it is pleasing to see infrastructure which removes very large vehicles from our city centre.”
Council’s Director Infrastructure and Operations Phil King said the completion of these stages of the Southern Industrial Link is a significant milestone for Griffith.
“The project has involved the widening and construction of the existing roadways, three roundabouts at existing intersections and a realignment to two existing intersections.”
Griffith City Council is now planning Stages 3 and 4a of the GSIL which involve upgrades to Kurrajong Avenue and Thorne Road, from Kidman Way to Murrumbidgee Avenue.