Government Help

Which type of government help do you need? It’s not always easy to work out exactly whether it is the federal, state or local government which can help you. Here’s a quick overview…

The Federal Government

The Federal or Commonwealth Government is responsible for the conduct of national affairs, including areas like defence and foreign affairs, trade, commerce and currency, immigration, postal services, telecommunications and broadcasting, air travel, most social services and pensions. The Federal Government is also involved (mainly through funding) many things largely carried out by states, such as health, education, environmental issues, industrial relations, etc.

Contact Sussan now through this link, or to find your federal electorate and local Member of Parliament click here.

State or Territory Government

Major state responsibilities include schools, hospitals, conservation and environment, roads, railways and public transport, public works, agriculture and fishing, industrial relations, community services, sport and recreation, consumer affairs, police, prisons and emergency services. Under the Australian Constitution, the states are responsible for everything not listed as a Federal responsibility, however sometimes both levels are involved.

Find out who your local NSW Member of Parliament is via this link.

Local Government

Local Councils are concerned with matters close to home, such as building regulations and development, public health, local roads and footpaths, parks and playing fields, libraries, local environmental issues, waste disposal, and many community services. The power of local governments is controlled by Acts of State Parliament such as the NSW Local Government Act.

For contact details of your local council click here.