Federal Member for Farrer Sussan Ley and NSW Member for Murray Adrian Piccoli today announced that Hillston based Oilseeds Australia had been successful in their application for funding under the second round of the Australian Government’s Murray Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Programme (MDBREDP), administered by the NSW Government.

 Ms Ley said the Federal and State Governments have again joined forces to help local businesses and communities impacted by the implementation of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

“Under the $100 million programme, the Basin States of NSW, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia each select projects for funding in consultation with the Australian Government. 

“This funding will assist Oilseeds Australia to build a specialised production and storage shed for cottonseed crushing and refining, which will extend production period by three to four months each year, and create as many as nineteen new jobs for this small community,” said Ms Ley.

Mr Piccoli said this funding would support local economic development and diversification initiatives in townships across the region, with projects already announced at Hanwood, Coleambally and Leeton in recent weeks.

“Businesses across our region have secured more than $4.2 million in funding which is expected to lead to the creation of almost 300 local jobs.

“In Hillston, Oilseeds Australia will increase their sustainable production from cottonseed crushing and refining, leading to this significant employment expansion,” Mr Piccoli said.

Federal Minister for Regional Development, Fiona Nash, said the Coalition Government’s investment in local economic projects like this will help support and create new jobs in the Riverina Region, the Murray and Murrumbidgee.

“As a Minister who is based in the Basin, I understand just how vital it is to protect both the economic and social interests of Basin communities,” Ms Nash said.

“The Coalition parties are the only parties genuinely committed to achieving triple bottom-line outcomes in the Murray-Darling Basin which is why we have introduced a cap on water buybacks, prioritised funding for on-farm efficiency measures and invested in projects like this that will diversify and strengthen the local economy.”

NSW Minister for Regional Development, Skills and Small Business John Barilaro said more businesses across the Basin will be supported through the second round of funding of the MDBREDP.

“This funding was announced in November 2015 and is focussed on supporting regional business investment projects that will result in job creation in the Basin,” Mr Barilaro said.

“This Programme is a fantastic example of State and Commonwealth Government working hand-in-hand to create new jobs and support businesses, jobs and communities in the Murray-Darling Basin.”

For more details on the program, visit: www.industry.nsw.gov.au/murraydarlingfund