“Helping to fit out a community pre-school, funding for a new electronic scoreboard at the local cricket oval, new air conditioning for a suburban church; even a first aid course for the entire local hockey team.
“There are many ways to strengthen a local community, and these were just some of the projects delivered through the last round of our government’s Stronger Communities Program (SCP).”
Local MP Sussan Ley says a new round of the SCP opens on Monday (05 Aug) with $150,000 to be spent across Farrer and every federal electorate across the country, as part of a $22.65m investment by our government.
“This type of local infrastructure, and spending on these sorts of projects helps bring community, sporting and social groups together, by building local participation or creating vibrant and viable locations,” Ms Ley said.
The Morrison Government will again fund small scale projects, allocating amounts from $2,500 to $20,000 for up to 50% of eligible project costs.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Stronger Communities Programme was aimed at funding projects which can deliver social benefits.
“Our local communities are the heart of this great country and this investment in local projects is about invigorating communities and ensuring their continued success,” Mr McCormack said.
Only projects approved by a local Farrer selection committee will be able to apply for a grant. Pease check all the eligibility criteria and information first before lodging an expression-of-interest application. EOI forms can be found here, and should be lodged by September 06.