Federal MP Sussan Ley today encouraged local community groups and councils across Farrer to apply for funding under the Coalition Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF). 

Ms Ley said this major grants programme “will invest in significant infrastructure projects and community initiatives, with a key aim to create jobs, drive economic growth and help build our regional communities well into the future.

“Importantly, the BBRF will be assessed against projects in a similar cost range, so small community proposals are not competing against huge projects worth many millions of dollars.”

The fund is set to invest $297.7 million over four years; across an Infrastructure Projects Stream, which will support projects involving the construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure.

A separate Community Investments Stream will fund local building activities, including the staging of new or expanded local events, strategic regional plans, as well as leadership and capability building activities.

Ms Ley noted there is very specific criteria for a project to be successful, so potential applicants should carefully assess their eligibility via the BBRF website or call 13 28 46.

You are also welcome to attend an information session, the nearest to our electorate at:

  • 10.30am – 31 January – Wodonga Council Committee Room
  • 10.00am – 02 February – Wagga Wagga City Council Chambers

For more specific details on these sessions and to register, please link here

Applications close: 28 Feb 2017 (Infrastructure Projects) / 31 Mar 2017 (Community Investments)